Wednesday, October 30, 2019

History and Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History and Literature - Essay Example History plays a decisive role in developing a nation’s culture. Literature, in turn, is based upon the culture of a nation. Thus, history affects the literature of a nation through culture. A lot of books have been published on the great battles that have occurred in the world from time to time. Other books that are not directly written on wars reflect the impacts of war on the society in different ways. Owing to the great role of history in shaping a nation’s literature, both are considered subordinates of each other. History brings facts into literature. In the contemporary age, facts and figures are valued a lot. Facts and figures play a fundamental role in enhancing the value of literature. Literature progresses with research. Research is fundamentally based on the literature review pertaining to the topic of research. Audience looks out for numeric figures that fundamentally come from the history. In the modern age, people are obsessed with the notion of â€Å"not hing but facts†. This has created a lot of schism between predictions and forecasts made on the basis of historic data. Nowadays, predictions are of no scientific value. Researchers are required to extrapolate the past trends to estimate the future. We get to learn a lot about history from the stories we read.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ancient Tiahuanacun civilization Essay Example for Free

Ancient Tiahuanacun civilization Essay Aymaras were believed to be descendants from the ancient Tiahuanacun civilization appeared from the Lake Titicaca. The Indians had their own culture; from the way they dressed and the language that they used, although, today, many had been speaking Spanish. Aymaras were roughly two million in population and extended their number in southern Peru and in the area where their ancestors first came. Most of the Aymaras lived in the highlands of Altipano, adjusting their clothing to match the coldness of the weather. Although they were tribes, they played a role in the community by exporting their products to the cities and to the world. There were problems in this process because the government implied that the ethnics are uncivilized. The government had to cut the linkages of the group to the city, thereby, causing the Aymaras to form syndicates. Like the Aymaras, the Dominican blacks, also, are suffering from racial discrimination. They were from Africa and were send overseas to Dominican Republic to improve labor force during the revolt of the locals. After the revolution of slaves, came the Dominican blacks. The Dominican blacks were despised for they had come from the slaves and by that sense, their purpose was only to serve. They were disposed from their positions and are discriminated from the world. Some had been condemned to death. But the Blacks fought. They had submitted laws to end the racial discrimination and they excelled and succeeded to their fields as musicians, artists, professionals, and leaders. Blacks are more of common people than the Aymaras. Blacks have become civilized through time and become part of the population. They contributed to the country in many ways. The Aymaras, however, since they are an ethnic group, they were more on life of farmers and shepherds. The Dominican Blacks have lesser obstacles to meet to social acceptance and progress since the Blacks had been ending the conflict of discrimination. Many Black leaders are pursuing this goal of equality. They show to the world that they are as efficient and clever as their oppressor. They compete and succeed in many times. Artists and players are showing to the world the Black People, and it adds up to the publicity of the Blacks. Nationality and individuality greatly affect the life of a person. Caste system or class system is the basis of all the racial discriminations today. They had given importance to the colors and ethnic groups that wounded the people today, in the case of the Dominican Black and the Aymaras. In the anthology, actions of Negroes to end discrimination are rife. Evidence is that the Dominicans hated the Blacks. They had given them names and mocked them. There are many times Aymaras are implied as animals roaming around the city. They are being forced to leave and forced to go home. Movements are formed. It is clear that these movements to end the racial discrimination were going on since the oppressors created the class system. United States of America is a society that is lead by whites. They also despise the Blacks. They discriminate them in their societies. The Blacks are forced out the community. They are literally mocked. Black students are cast away from other whites. Their children are not allowed to play with the Whites. Some petitions of the Black leaders are not accepted by the congress. Their grievances are not heard and are considered not important for they are Blacks. They are always considered as criminals and robbers. Some are shot accidentally by police claiming that they had been robbing the store. Some Black professionals are not paid equally. Unequal treatment is always their distress. In a society where people are colonized, many are oppressed by force. If not, for discrimination and other forms. Colonization and racism goes hand in hand. This is the result of enslavement of Africans, Blacks, and Aymaras. Poverty in the Latin countries adds up to the enslavement of economy. Literacy and education are precarious leading to migration to other countries such as the United States and Spain. These countries oppress these immigrants. The oppressors make them feel incompatible to their society of pure bloods thus, separate them out of the neighborhood. They do not give them enough rights to live freely and to advance their lifestyle. The society themselves are the source of the frequent racial discrimination. There still exists a class around the Latin that is the source of faction for the country and the economy. People are enslaved by their sense that the other groups are incompetent, insignificant, and dull. The unity of the country is greatly affected by the people of colors and pure bloods. Two ideals contrast that leads to civil wars. The government, however, is getting there. The laws which applied to the people are for the end of oppression and discrimination. This is a total revision of rights of people. But the history behind the slavery and discrimination remains as they progress. There is always the case where Blacks are mocked as slaves. Colonization must stop in these countries. People will continue to suffer these oppressions.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fight Club Essay -- Film Movie

This movie is mainly about a narrators search for meaning and the fight to find freedom from a meaningless way of life. It setting is in suburbia, an abandoned house located in a major large city. Ed Norton, plays the nameless narrator, Brad Pitt, is Tyler Dunden, and Helena Boaham Carter is Marla Singer, the three main characters. David Fincher directs this film in 1999, which adapted it from the novel written by Chuck Palahnuik. It begins depicting Edward Norton, the narrator, working for an insurance company as a representative, who produces evidence for recalling automobiles. He lives in a 15 story, glass front condominium, with the best expensive furniture, designer clothes and a totally empty way of life. Society has yet to understand how employment can influence a person life experiences. His first experience in solving his problem is to seek medical advice for insomnia, which is not the answer. He was advised by his doctor to really see pain, participate in is a group of men who have testicular cancer and really experience pain. This begins his phony search and fix to his search for a painless life. He portrays his self as a cancer survivor, and creates an identity to fill his emptiness, and thus ends up attending seven groups a week. He then meets Bob, who is later killed because of his participation in a bombing of a coffee house. During this process the narrator meets the chain smoking, Marla Singer. Confronted with realization, they were both liars and looking in the mirror irritated him, Marla and the narrator agreed to a plan not to be at the same group, and they could both also avoid self-reflection and contact at the same time. These groups lead the narrator into finding his ?cave and finding t... ... up, Marla and the narrator holding hands and he says ?you met me at a very strange time in my life.? The last song is ?Where is my Mind It also can be a symbol representing the narrators search for his true identity. This movie is sending a message to society about what can happen in a world of confused, angry men. Its points to the hypocrisy of the general public which promotes enforcements of movie ratings, gun control but drops its children off the see ?The Matrix?. In my opinion, this is a good movie for college students, who are studying in Sociology, Mental Health or Nursing Careers. This assignment required many skills, to understand the information you required. This information was hidden in the plot so distinctly a freshman student could have easily missed it. I think this movie would be a challenge for upper level college students.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Drama at the Farm: A Canadian Survival Story Essay

Canadian Writer Margaret Atwood would argue that every country in the world has a single unifying and informing symbol, to act as a belief system that keeps everyone together and working for common ends. These unifying symbols manifest in the literature produce by authors and literary thinkers; whether or not it is done consciously or subconsciously. According to Atwood, in the United States â€Å"Frontier† is the unifying symbol, the exploration of new land, the west and independence from imperial powers. In the United Kingdom the â€Å"Island† is a distinct symbol of common national sentiments, the idea of the central island nation controlling its lands and wealth from behind the safety of its metaphorical walls; this symbol is perfectly represented by the medieval castles and fortresses of that nation. With these examples in mind Atwood states that the unifying symbol for Canadian Lifestyle, and consequently literature, is â€Å"Survival†. As a result of the Canada’s geographical shape, its vast landmass and bitter climate, as well as the nation’s origins as subordinate to imperial rule, Survival becomes the common thread which bonds the lives thought and experiences of all Canadians. It is more real to us than the frontier or the island. In her essay, † Survival : A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature†, Atwood goes into great detail about this idea of survival and victimization, she outlines her four victim positions with the intention of increasing understanding of Canadian literature, and how these guidelines apply to anyone, Canadian or otherwise. In â€Å"The Watcher†, by Guy Vanderhaeghe, Atwood’s concepts can be used to identify and understand the position of Vanderhaeghe’s main character, Charlie Bradley, as well as increase understanding of Vanderhaeghe’s work as a piece of distinctly Canadian fictional Literature. Atwood’s four victim positions can be used to understand characters from Canadian fiction from the distinctly Canadian point of view, survival. The hero of most Canadian fiction is the survivor, the main character or protagonist survives where the other characters do not, or they survive one ordeal only to succumb to something else, â€Å"The survivor has no triumph or victory but the fact of his survival; he has little after his ordeal that he  did not have before, except gratitude for having escaped with his life.†(Atwood 33). The Canadian protagonist or survivor doesn’t portray the myth that they can beat adversity to better themselves or their situation, rather they are no better of than before their ordeal, or maybe worse, by are fortunate to have escaped with their lives. The survivor is therefore inherently and unavoidably a victim in one form or another, and Atwood’s position can be use to identify and grasp a greater understanding of the survivo r character, his actions, thoughts, and decisions. To understand Charlie Bradley one must first understand the four basic victim positions. A person of the first victim position is in denial of the fact that they are the victim, usual their slightly elevated status above their peers makes them feel that anyone can succeed if they wanted to and those that don’t are just lazy. A person from the second victim position acknowledges their victimization but resigns to it because of feelings that it is the result of uncontrollable exterior forces such as fate, they feel their position as a victim is inevitable and cannot be changed. Individuals of the third position acknowledge their victimization but refuse to accept the role is inevitable as in position two. However a person in position three doesn’t use their frustration at their victimization in a creative manner, they don’t use their energy to change their position they just loath themselves and are jealous of those who are not victims. A person in position four is what Atwood calls â€Å"a creative non victim† (Atwood 38). For these individuals victimization is not a reality, they use their energy to rise above the existence of victimization and are positively creative with their situation. Vanderhaeghe’s main character from his short story, â€Å"The Watcher†, Charlie Bradley fits perfectly into Atwood’s definition of the second victim position. Charlie Acknowledges his victimization but feels there is nothing he can do about it. Evidence of Charlie’s position can be found numerous times throughout the text. From the very first sentence of Vanderhaeghe’s story one can cast type Charlie. He says, â€Å"I suppose it was having a bad chest that turned me into an observer, a watcher, at an early age.† (Vanderhaeghe 207). From this statement you already know that Charlie blames his situation as being an observer on his bad chest, an uncontrollable external for, he cannot control his sickness and so resigns to be a victim of it. The rest of the story centers around Charlie’s talent for observing events but never participating, the situation he deals with when he is shipped of to his grandmas farm and forced to deals with his mentally unstable aunt and her freeloading boyfriend Thompson. Charlie fancies himself a spy observing the details and doing nothing. More evidence of his position comes from thoughts on his aunt’s situation, Charlie says, â€Å"†¦ Evelyn, was evidence enough of how firmly bound we all are to the wretched wheel of life and its stumbling desires.† (Vanderhaeghe 221). Again resigning everything to the whims of fate. Charlie’s true position as the surviving victim comes at the end of the story when he is forced into the game, no longer a watcher, and must chose between taking the side of his Grandma or that of Thompson in identifying the assailants, who identity he does know to be the Ogden Brothers hired by his Grandma to beat up Thompson. â€Å"And now he is asking me to save him, to take a risk, when I was more completely in her clutches than he would ever be. He forgot I was a child. I depended on her.† (Vanderhaeghe 239). Charlie admits to withholding the truth to save himself, even if it meant hurting Thompson. Charlie is the survivor, he is the victim of circumstance be he has the foresight to save himself even if it isn’t the right thing to do. Canadian short stories are full of survivors, the characters created by Vanderhaeghe as well as those of many authors face different challenges than the characters of literature from other nations. Canada is a nation of survivors, if only just barely. Margaret Atwood is one Canadian writer who fully understands this survivor position and the levels of victimization that come along with it. Canadian heroes are the ones who face adversity to gain something, but those who are pounded by the outside world and are just able to have on to their lives. This situation, at least metaphorically, will be familiar to all Canadians and the great cross section of writers from various cultural backgrounds. Their diversity only reinforcing the notion that this country, the land changes you, give us all something in common, that unifying symbol that Atwood praises as the center of everything  Canadian. Survival. As Atwood aptly puts it, â€Å"A writer’s job is not to tell a society how it ought to live but how it does live.†(Atwood 42) Works Cited: Atwood, Margaret. â€Å"Survival.† Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature. Toronto: Anansi, 1972. 25-43. Vanderhaeghe, Guy. â€Å"The Watcher.† Man Descending. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1982.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Macbeth – Shakespeare

Macbeth, written in 1606, is one of Shakespeare's most adventurous plays filled with ambition, fate, deception and treachery, centred around the character of Macbeth, telling of extraordinary things from the witches mischievous magic to Macbeths change in fortune and personality. First his bravery, loyalty, and morality are conveyed to the audience; before Shakespeare goes on to tell of his tragic decline into evil and of how he brutally obtains power and control over others. At the time of the play's creation, society believed intensely in the Chain of Being; the concept of God's strict, natural structure over the universe. The people stuck by this for fear of the consequences. They didn't question nature's vicious wrath because if they were to turn against it, it would be to defy the will of God and so had only God to answer to, dictating that it was therefore sinful for their subjects to resist them. Throughout Act 1:1-3, Shakespeare's audience is given countless reasons to think of Macbeth in a positive way, depicting him as the strong, heroic character, conveying to them all of his many laudable traits. This is firstly shown through how others act towards him and what people think of him. He is related to a ‘lion' and ‘eagle' by the captain showing he is thought of very highly and is respected. Confidence, fierceness and determination are all ‘lion' like qualities that are reflected in the character of Macbeth. This is proved when he heroically fights on in the battle as it continues. Secondly ‘noble Macbeth' questions the witches as he contemplates their prospects for him. He feels ‘to be King stands not within the prospect of belief' so will leave it to ‘chance' as he knows that sudden ambition is wrong. This declarative statement emphasises his refusal to act wrongly. Everyone values Macbeth and all believe he is an incredible fighter and to emphasise this, Shakespeare uses a simile to show it to be true ‘like valour's minion curved out his passage'. This portrays how Macbeth puts others before him and cares about them. Lastly you can see Macbeth's loyalty as he talks to the witches because he has potential and wants to be a leader but does not do anything about it; when he is told he will be of a higher status he is shocked and refuses to believe that it may come true. This shows that he is good because he doesn't want to do anything to the King but protect him conveying his patriotic traits. Macbeth however could also been seen as having a potential for evil in this scene. He is described as ‘valour's minion', this portrays him as a brave servant when he is a leader to many. This could also be seen as him being a vassal and that he is easily commanded highlighting his weaknesses challenging the idea of him soon to become King. During the battle he is also said to have ‘carved out his passage' showing a ruthless and angry side to his personality later in the play when he murders innocent subjects. This could be exploited by his easy susceptibility later in the play by people such as the witches or his wife towards evil. The fact that the witches are going to meet Macbeth could suggest he is evil, as the witches are deemed evil and meddlesome. Being around the witches' associates him with them and their evil doings, this is emphasised through their meeting place, ‘A desolate place' which is also lit by thunder and lightning. Because of its description it can be seen that they are almost removed from the rest of the world and disconnected from God and the rest of humanity, which only makes it more villainous for Macbeth to be there. The witches also prophesy that he shall become the thane of Cawdor; this is ironic because the previous thane was a traitor and tried to kill the king. This could suggest that Shakespeare is trying to make Macbeth fit the mould of the previous thane, which would make him evil as well. Lady Macbeth and her husband's strong relationship is built on how they treat each other. For example, in scene 7 Lady Macbeth finds her husband weak and pathetic when he is not doing as she wants. She is able to manipulate him as she is stronger minded and he is ‘too full o'th' milk of human kindness' which portrays his positive traits and her negative attitude. Lady Macbeth is not happy unless she is in control so in order to make sure she is she uses repetitive phrases such as, ‘wouldst thou' in scene 7, line 41 and again in line 42. This is effective because it shows her point clearly making the reader believe she's right as she does to Macbeth later. She wants to teach Macbeth evil so he becomes like her as she thinks he can be figured out too easily – ‘your face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters'. Lady Macbeth's ‘ambition' is to ‘win' and nothing else. This is shown through the language she uses. Lady Macbeth thinks highly of determination and confidence but not only that, she won't settle until she has got what she wants which shows power. Lady Macbeth addresses her husband as ‘thou', this infers that she already has control over him. It makes it easier to persuade Macbeth because you can see who the dominant one in their relationship is from the language they use with each other. Shakespeare has expressed her passion and determination through alliteration: ‘Hie thee hither'; this sounds strong willed and powerful and gives her speech a scene of urgency as if she wants to get on with the murder and won't back down giving no choice but for Macbeth to agree with her. It also creates negative imagery as it sounds as if she is hissing, through the use of sibilance, which again relates her with evil. Lady Macbeth is shown to ‘chastise' Macbeth often showing how easily she can manipulate him. It also shows her superior nature and strength over her husband. To ensure that Macbeth follows through with their plan, Lady Macbeth wants to share her evil with him: ‘I may pour my spirits in thine ear' – she wishes to influence him so that he will be stronger as she believes she is superior to him. Shakespeare portrays Lady Macbeth as evil using the symbolic ‘raven' to do so. The ‘raven' doesn't only symbolise Lady Macbeth but also death and foreboding. This expresses her power and how she has managed to get her own way through her lies and deceit. When she says ‘the raven himself is hoarse' it symbolises Macbeth's weak nature and how he will give into her so they will not fail as Lady Macbeth thinks she is always right. To show Lady Macbeth's ambition her character uses many imperative statements: ‘unsex me here, from crown to the toe'. This also shows she is anything but willing to back down and she is very demanding by her forceful nature. Lady Macbeth wants to be seen as more masculine so results in asking the spirits to take away her femininity because she doesn't think she's string enough as a woman. This is also shown when she directs the spirits to ‘take (her) milk for gall' and ‘make thick (her) blood'; this ruthless attitude shows how much she wants it and how she'd do anything to get it again also showing how she believes she can beat nature. Her extreme evil attitude and her enthusiasm is shown through alliteration and superlative adjectives e. g ‘direst creulty'. When she uses the description of ‘murthring ministers' it emphasizes her passion and determination. Her ‘dark' vocabulary associates her with evil and the witches and creates negative imagery as the witches are connected to villainous things. The personification Shakespeare uses gives the impression of foul changes and how they are against nature: ‘Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark'. This verifies Lady Macbeth's evilness as she is putting herself in the opposition to all that is good: her husband, Heaven and God. This gives a strong affect as it emphasises and hints at his increasing change towards evil. Shakespeare also uses similes to show how Lady Macbeth is starting to control Macbeth more and more quickly. She orders him to ‘look like th' innocent flower, But be the serpent under't' which means hide your feelings and emotions so that he doesn't get caught when committing the ‘deed'. This is another imperative statement showing she dominates him. In many of the phrases that Shakespeare uses in his play, Macbeth can be interpreted in more than one way for example, ‘he that's coming must be provided for. ‘ This associates Lady Macbeth with the witches because it emphasises her control over Macbeth and how the witches have the same control over him. But it also connects her with darkness and the devil as she is preparing a feast but actually is planning on the death of the King. At this point Macbeth is starting to agree with his wife as she has manipulated him through her twisted words so that it sounds like the right thing to do. Macbeth's soliloquy is very powerful, at the beginning of scene 7, as he is debating whether to go through with the ‘assassination'. The scene in which this is performed represents his feelings. This is because the ‘torches' represent how he is not completely decided. They show how he's still half in darkness and half in light symbolising half in evil and half in good showing the darkness is slowly consuming him but hasn't yet. This can also be seen as the light symbolising of Duncan's life and how it is ending and later when the torches have gone out, he will be dead. The darkness also creates suspense and an eerie atmosphere leading to the unknown. Macbeth's loyalty and kindness is shown clearly in this part of the play to show he would go through with ‘the deed' if there were no ‘consequence's and it could ‘end all here'. Although as this is not what would happen then it would all be lead back to him and his reputation would be ruined. This shows the morality in how he feels uneasy about doing this and how he has be forced against his will and been persuaded into it. He shows fear and remorse by trying to talk himself out of their plan. Macbeth feels that he should be loyal towards the king as he has done no wrong towards himself and he has treated him well recently. Duncan is the guest so Macbeth should be protecting him not bringing harm or death to him. He also thinks Duncan is a good King so does not want to hurt him and as he is he's ‘kingman and subject' then he should be again protecting him against any other more obvious evil predators. Another way Macbeth's conscience is seen is when he is talking to his wife. He sounds very unsure and unwilling to go through with the murder. It is easily seen as he uses euphemisms to replace the words death and murder for example, ‘this business' or ‘taking off'. This shows he is uncomfortable with the task and he doesn't want to come to terms with it. He thinks he has no reason to do it and that he us too afraid to; there's no other reason but his ‘vaulting ambition'. This is shown through the language and vocabulary that Shakespeare has used. The ‘surcease, success' is emphasised through alliteration and sibilance, which again draws attention to how they have not failed with the murder yet. His use of personification is strong and bold: ‘tears shall drown the wind. ‘ This helps Macbeth persuade himself not to do it and shows he is valiant and trusting, as he wants to get out of the situation. Using a soliloquy to show this makes it more personal which emphasises his emotions; this then builds tension making the scene more intense for the audience. Despite how much loyalty Macbeth has and how much he doesn't want to perform the dreadful deed, Lady Macbeth is powerful enough to overrule his decision and persuade him to carry it out. Shakespeare uses many techniques, which makes her more dominant than Macbeth as she uses them to manipulate him. Firstly, Shakespeare uses rhetorical questions, one continuously after the other, which then makes Macbeth question himself through undermining him and patronising him: ‘Hath it slept since? ‘ This question leaves Macbeth finding himself without an answer leading him with no choice but to side with Macbeth. Another way that she does this is by attacking his masculinity and his soldier-like qualities using words like ‘green' and ‘pale'. She uses similes – ‘Like the poor cat i'th'a dage? – which makes his feel pathetic and like he has to do it because she is relating him to the poor cat in the old story. Her declarative statements about his manhood appeals to his self esteem and pride. She uses reverse psychology and tells him to ‘be so much more the man' which makes him want to prove himself and show that she is wrong. This is also shown when she compares him to herself because she conveys how ruthless she is when she describes how she would dash the brains out of a baby and how if she said she would do something then she would follow through with it making Macbeth feel cowardly and weaker then his wife. This is very important to his appearance because the social aspect in that time was thought that any man was suppose to overall a woman. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband by using influential adjectives such as, ‘dashed', ‘plucked' and ‘boneless'. This emotive language emphasises the harsh reality of her strength and creates clear imagery showing her passion, which then motivates Macbeth to go through with her plan. She also uses his weaknesses to get her own way and directs her orders to him personally. ‘Why did you leave the chamber? – she starts to distant herself to make the situation more serious and make Macbeth realise that she refuses to fail. The alliteration that is used emphasises her anger and passion towards this procedure. An example of this is ‘receipt of reason', this is very harsh sounding phrase so seems as if she's spitting out the words. Lastly she uses Macbeth's words against him by mirroring and questioning them. ‘We fail' – this makes her argument even stronger forcing him into agreeing with her. As she has an answer to everything he doubts he has no choice but to follow her in this devious arrangement. Although it appears that Lady Macbeth is the stronger of the two, the majority of the play is written in blank verse showing that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both equal to each other as their patterns of speech are the same. This could be interpreted that Lady Macbeth goes from weaker to stronger and then back to weaker again as she turns insane later in the play where as Macbeth still has his emotions throughout the play although they may start to slowly fade, like his conscience, as evil takes over him but this shows their equal status. Lady Macbeth uses manipulation and immorality to turn Macbeth's view around. This shows he is easily convinced as at the beginning of the play he was completely against her plot but then went through with it in the end anyway. In Act 2:1, Macbeth is portrayed as an evil ‘butcher' rather than heroic. He says ‘A heavy summon lies like lead upon me, And yet I would not sleep' showing that nature is defying his sleep even though he's exhausted. Banquo uncovers how the chain of being has been interrupted reasoned by no ‘husbandry in heaven'. This seems as if there are no stars like heaven is saving energy. Macbeth's evil increases throughout the play, which creates more and more evidence against him. In this scene he uses a lot of negative imagery inferring he's about to do wrong emphasising his evil. He talks about ‘witchcraft' and ‘Tarquin's ravishing strides' as if it's a good thing and he is comparing himself to him. In the part of Macbeth's soliloquy, he sees a dagger. This motivates him to go through with the murder although it is not known who is doing this to him whether it's him mind that is becoming more evil through Lady Macbeth's teachings or the witches or he's hallucinating because they have disturbed the Chain of Being. This makes it harder for Macbeth to refuse. He also uses lots of phrases like ‘That summons thee to Heaven, or to Hell' which is significant because it is associated to funerals and death. Although, at the beginning he was completely against this plan, he is now lying to Banquo his ‘friend' and still calls him a ‘friend' although he's now become an enemy so its is ironic because he is the opposite. He seems, as he is almost comfortable with deceit and the whole idea. This is also shown when he says ‘Hear it not, Duncan' showing that he is now determined and confident that Duncan will not find out. Macbeth purposefully distances himself from good as he feels nature is against him. He is in great ‘fear' that it will give his plan away and that people might hear him. This is also linked to the Chain of Being about how it has been unbalanced. The play shows how Macbeth's personality unravels throughout, descending into evil. The people around him and the power that they withhold lead to his downfall. Shakespeare infers that Lady Macbeth is partially to blame for Macbeth's behaviour. He depicts her character as manipulating and controlling over Macbeth leading to his actions of murder. On the other hand, Macbeth is portrayed as a weak and cowardly character by not being able to defend himself and what is right resulting in his demise. The Chain of Being is an important theme in this play especially towards the end as everyone believed in it strongly and some even believed that it could tell you what happened next. For example, at the end of the play it is suggested that Macbeth will die because he has gone against God and interrupted the cycle. Therefore Macbeth's rapid descend into evil and Lady Macbeth's wicked nature both played an equal part in his transformation from hero to villain.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Explore the Different Types of Galaxies

Explore the Different Types of Galaxies Thanks to instruments such as the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers know more about the variety of objects in the universe than previous generations could even dream of understanding.  Even so, most people dont realize just how diverse the universe is. Thats especially true about galaxies. For a long time, astronomers sorted them by their shapes but didnt really have a good idea about why those shapes existed. Now, with modern telescopes and instruments, astronomers have been able to understand why galaxies are the way they are. In fact,  classifying galaxies by their appearance, combined with data about their stars and motions, give astronomers insight into galactic origins and evolution. Galaxy stories stretch back almost to the beginning of the universe.   This Hubble Space Telescope view reveals thousands of galaxies stretching back into time across billions of light-years of space. The image covers a portion of a large galaxy census called the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). NASA, ESA, the GOODS Team, and M. Giavialisco (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) Spiral Galaxies Spiral galaxies are the most famous of all galaxy types. Typically, they have a flat disk shape and spiral arms winding out away from the core.  They also contain a central bulge, within which a supermassive black hole resides. Some spiral galaxies also have a bar that runs through the center, which is a transfer conduit for gas, dust, and stars. These barred spiral galaxies actually account for most of the spiral galaxies in our universe and astronomers now know that the Milky Way is, itself, a barred spiral type.  Spiral type galaxies are dominated by dark matter, making up nearly 80 percent of their matter by mass. An artists concept of what our galaxy looks like from outside. Note the bar across the center and the two main arms, plus smaller ones. NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESO/R. Hurt Elliptical Galaxies Less than one in seven galaxies in our universe are elliptical galaxies. As the name suggests, these galaxies are either range from having a spherical to egg-like shape.  In some regards they look similar to large star clusters, however, the presence of large amounts of dark matter help distinguish them from their smaller counterparts. A giant elliptical galaxy has a small neighbor with a HUGE black hole at its heart. NASA/ESA/STScI These galaxies contain only small amounts of gas and dust, suggesting that their period of star formation has come to an end, after billions of years of rapid star-birth activity.   This actually gives a clue to their formation as they are believed to arise out of the collision of two or more spiral galaxies. When galaxies collide, the action spurs great bursts of star birth as the commingled gases of the participants are compressed and shocked. This leads to star formation on a grand scale.   Irregular Galaxies Perhaps a quarter of galaxies are irregular galaxies. As one might guess, they seem to lack a distinct shape, unlike spiral or elliptical galaxies. Sometimes astronomers have referred to them as peculiar galaxies, due to their odd shapes. No matter what theyre called, astronomers want to understand why they often look like oddballs when compared to other galaxy types. One possibility is that these galaxies were distorted by a nearby or passing massive galaxy. We see evidence for this in some of the nearby dwarf galaxies that are being stretched by the gravity of our Milky Way  as they are cannibalized by our galaxy. The Large Magellanic Cloud (middle left) and Small Magellanic Cloud (upper center) over Paranal Observatory in Chile. European Southern Observatory In some cases though, it seems that irregular galaxies have been created by mergers of galaxies. Evidence for this lies in the rich fields of hot young stars that were likely created during the interactions. Lenticular Galaxies The lenticular galaxies are, to some extent, misfits. They contain properties of both spiral and elliptical galaxies. For this reason, the story of how they formed is still a work in progress, and many astronomers are actively researching their origins.   Galaxy NGC 5010 a lenticular galaxy which has features of both spirals and ellipticals. NASA/ESA/STScI Special Types of Galaxies There are also some galaxies that contain special properties that help astronomers classify them even further within their more general classifications.   Dwarf Galaxies: These are essentially smaller versions of those galaxies listed above. Dwarf galaxies are difficult to define because there is no well-accepted cut-off for what makes a galaxy regular or dwarf. Some have a flattened shape and are often referred to as dwarf spheroidals. The Milky Way is currently cannibalizing a number of these smaller stellar collections. Astronomers can track the motions of their stars as they swirl into our galaxy, and study their chemical makeup (also known as metallicity).Starburst Galaxies: Some galaxies are in a period of very active star formation. These starburst galaxies are actually normal galaxies that have in some way been disturbed to ignite very rapid star formation. As mentioned above, galaxy collisions and interactions are the likely cause of the starburst knots seen in these objects.Active Galaxies: It is believed that virtually all normal galaxies contain a supermassive black hole at their cores. In some cases, however, this central engine can become active and drive massive amounts of energy away from the galaxy in the form of powerful jets. These Active Galactic Nuclei (or AGN for short) are widely studied, but it is still unclear what causes the black hole to suddenly become active. In some cases, passing clouds of gas and dust may fall into the gravitational well of the black hole. The material gets superheated as it swirls around in the black holes disk, and a jet may form. The activity also gives off x-rays and radio emissions, which can be detected with telescopes here on Earth. The study of galaxy types continues, with astronomers looking back to the earliest epochs of time using Hubble and other telescopes. So far, theyve seen some of the very first galaxies and their stars. These little shreds of light are the beginnings of the galaxies we see today. The data from those observations will help the understanding of galactic formation back at a time when the universe was very, very young.   This simple diagram of galaxy types is often called Hubbles tuning fork. public domain Fast Facts Galaxies exist in a variety of shapes and sizes (called their morphology).Spiral galaxies are very common, as are ellipticals and irregulars. The first galaxies were likely irregulars.Galaxies grow and evolve through collisions and mergers. Sources â€Å"Galaxy | COSMOS.†Ã‚  Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, - The Telescope - Hubble Essentials - About Edwin Hubble,, NASA,    Edited by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Tycho Brahe and Enlightenment essays

Tycho Brahe and Enlightenment essays Brahes model of the universe can be explained best with this model below. (p.409, Dictionary of Scientific Biography) In this model, Brahe describes the universe with the earth at the center. The sun orbits the earth while the other planets revolve around the sun in the order of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. There is also a realm of fixed stars beyond the paths of the planetary orbits. In contradiction with the traditional Aristotelian view of the universe, Brahe believed the heavens were imperfect and could be changed. Brahes model of the universe was first worked out by 1583 and printed in 1588 in De mundi aetherei recentioribus phaenomenis, however, his model was never presented in great detail. In spite of his extremely precise observations, Brahe could not detect a parallax for even a single star. If the Earth did in fact orbit the Sun, the stars would have to be infinitely distant. Brahe could not conceive of a universe so immense that an observer as accurate as himself could not detect any stellar parallax. Even more convincing to Tycho was the fact that he believed he could measure the angular size of stars. The brightest of them he thought to be 2 arcminutes across. The farther away an object is, the larger its true size must be in order that it have a given angular diameter. Brahe could not detect as much as 1 arcminute of parallax for any star, so he concluded that stars were so distant that, to have angular diameters of 2 arcminutes, they actual sizes would have to be twice the size of the entire orbit of the Earth. If they were still farther away, their diameters would have to be proportionally greater (Abell, Morriso, and Wolff 35). In 1572, Brahe observed a supernova in the constellation of Cassiopeia where no star had been seen before. The prevailing opinion held that the supernova was not really a ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

50 Blogs for Mastering the Art, Craft, and Business of Writing - Freewrite Store

50 Blogs for Mastering the Art, Craft, and Business of Writing - Freewrite Store Writing is one of the most written-about topics in the world. For centuries now, or maybe even longer, writers have been giving each other advice about writing- solicited and unsolicited. If you’re a writer, you know the sheer number of books, textbooks, memoirs, and websites on writing at your disposal. It’s easy to get lost in the maze of literature and often conflicting advice, and to get caught up in searching for the one book with the secret to becoming an overnight bestseller. Spoiler alert: Turns out the holy grail of writing advice is entirely mythical. There is no one book, no one website that will help you win the Man Booker prize, and writing- good writing- is mostly about practice, experimentation, and a whole lot of study. There are books, people, and websites who know what they’re talking about and who can help you understand the art of writing and hone it as a craft; who can tell you the ins and outs of the publishing world and the business of writing. It just gets incredibly frustrating and time-consuming, sifting through the hundreds of lists that offer no new insight into writing. And so, curated for the aspiring novelist on their umpteenth draft, for the author struggling with promotion, for the novice only beginning their journey into the wide world of plot, structure, and character development, the top 50 blogs for writers. For Improving Your Craft For Staying Motivated For Finding Your Tribe For Publishing Your Book For Making a Living For Writers of YA and Kids’ Books For a Little Bit of Everything For Improving Your Craft is the blog and brain child of bestselling author, Chuck Wendig. He’s written some screenplays and over a dozen books, including a book on writing, called The Kick-Ass Writer. He regularly posts refreshingly irreverent views on the art of writing (see â€Å"How to Be a Writer in this F- -Ass Age of Rot and Resistance†) and maverick advice (see â€Å"Setting Free the Sacred Cows of Writing Advice† and â€Å"The Opposite of Kill Your Darlings†), all to remind the reader/writer that writing isn’t â€Å"one size fits all,† it’s â€Å"whatever fits, I guess!† is a great resource blog for writers looking to really get into the specifics of writing. Here the writer-craftsman will find notes and writing lessons on dialogue, character arcs, plot, pacing†¦ even thesauruses (or thesauri, if you prefer) on positive and negative character traits, words describing emotions, occupations†¦ Check if you’re looking for a nudge in the right direction. Eva Deverell’s blog,, is a great resource for writers who really, really like lists. She’s got dozens of clever worksheets on world building, novel outlining, character building- even productivity pages for bullet journal enthusiasts. All worksheets and printables are available for free. This site is excellent for beginners and for intermediate writers who need a fresh eye for plotting and outlining., a blog by novelist, script editor, and blogger Lucy V. Hay. The tagline says, â€Å"Writing craft tips for screenwriters and novelists,† and the tips are pretty spot-on for novelists and screenwriters who a.) want to improve their craft and b.) market themselves on social media and to other industry players.’s mission is to â€Å"share helpful and inspiring creative writing tips to benefit the greater writing community and to advocate on behalf of all writers and artists.† The blog has useful articles and insights on grammar, craft, and prompts for writers who need to stretch their creative muscles. Launched in 2007 by Melissa Donovan (author of Adventures in Writing and other books), Writing Forward also has thoughtful answers for questions like â€Å"Do You Need a Creative Writing Degree to Succeed as a Writer?† C.S. Lakin (novelist, copy editor, and writing coach) is the mind behind More than just lessons on craft and technique, Lakin posts articles about writer’s block- why it happens and how to â€Å"fix† it. Lakin’s blog is a great all-around resource for the beginning writer, though it shines most in novel structure. Check out â€Å"How to Hook Readers and Reel Them into Your Scenes† for an example of Lakin’s wonderfully practical tips on creative writing. is another site great for beginning writers and intermediate writers who have hit a snag and are in need of a bit of workshopping. It was created by writing teachers for writing teachers and is a great source of story and poetry prompts, how-tos, and in-depth explanations of otherwise vague and intimidating writing advice like â€Å"show, don’t tell.† offers advice and activities that are friendly, approachable, and accessible. Jon Winokur has written a lot of books- a lot- over twenty, in fact, so you know that the guy knows a thing or two about writing. And so do the rest of the writers featured on, which publishes clever, pithy quotes about writing from writers in the canon (e.g., George Orwell, Joan Didion) and from newer contemporary voices (e.g., Michael Chabon, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie). Writing.Rocks The Writing.Rocks blog by Marcia Riefer Johnston features enthusiastic advice on tightening prose and the importance of style guides. With articles like â€Å"Do You Feel Bad or Do You Feel Badly?† and â€Å"Writers, How Much Should You Leave Unsaid?† the blog is a great guide for beginners looking to perfect the ins and outs of grammar, syntax, and tighten their prose. is by a group of seasoned writers (Laura Drake, Jenny Hansen, Fae Rowen, and Julie Glover) who want to help writers weather what they call â€Å"the storm within.† That is, the self-doubt and fear that comes with putting yourself and your work out there. It’s a great motivational blog for beginners and intermediate writers alike, and offers invaluable advice on character building, story arcs, conflict, and general writing advice. is run by Julie Tyler (PhD in contemporary literature and literacy studies) and Whitney E. Jones (who has a doctorate in English). They offer great tips, exercises, and other resources for writing, and they encourage writers to get out there and be in a community with other writers. They also treat us to witty opinions about writing and craft, such as â€Å"No, my characters don’t talk to me, and yours don’t talk to you either. Here’s why† and â€Å"Oh, writing kids’ books is easy? How about you and me take this outside†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Kathy Steinemann of, or â€Å"Grandma Birdie† to her grandkids, is an editor, cartoonist, and writer. She regularly posts wonderful tips for description and increasing productivity, and has lists of 400+ or 500+ or 600+ ways to, for example, describe necks, lips, ears, words for animals†¦ almost everything you can think of wanting to describe. is a great resource for when it’s hard to find just the right word for something. is good for the writer in search of the right tools in their writing. The blog includes useful tips on editing and rewriting, blogging, grammar rules, and specialized apps for writers. The site also includes some useful services and software for writers in need of a bit of extra coaching and support to really get cracking. is the blog of K. M. Weiland, author of several books, including Outlining Your Novel and Creating Character Arcs. She has great advice for beginning writers, and tips about plot, character, and structure. She also has a few amusing articles about common writing mistakes. Check it out. You might find some of yours! Jerry B. Jenkins is a 21-Time New York Times bestselling novelist (The Left Behind series) and biographer (Hank Aaron, Walter Payton, Billy Graham, and many others) with sales of over 70 million copies. He shares his little-known writing secrets with aspiring authors at through in-depth guides like how to publish a book. Our motto at Writers Write is ‘Write to communicate’. Our mission is to teach you how to write. Writers Write is a one-stop resource for writers with more than 1 200 articles for creative writers, bloggers, and business writers on the site. We offer practical, inspiring courses in blogging, business writing, and creative writing. For Staying Motivated The writer in need of motivation and inspiration should give blogs like a look. by Bryan Hutchinson was created, Bryan said, for â€Å"fellow writers who were stuck like I was, stuck in doubt, uncertain of their abilities.† It’s a very positive place for encouragement and community, for some inspiration, and for understanding that writer’s doubt is all in the mind. Lauren Sapala of is another motivational writing coach who started her blog to â€Å"nourish, heal, spark, and empower your creative flame. She’s the INFJ who wrote The INFJ Writer and started the WriteCity writing group, and now teaches introverted writers how to fearlessly write, publish, and market their books- not by masking their introversion but by honoring and embracing it in full. Rosanne Bane calls writer’s block, perfectionism, distractions, and busy work â€Å"writer’s resistance.† offers psychological tools to help you establish a writing routine and to break through the mental barriers that cause writer’s block. Great for writers in need of new coping mechanisms for self doubt, stress, and perfectionism (basically any writer ever). Shannan of has a problem. Like 90% of writers, Shannan is a chronic procrastinator. By her own admission, she spends more time feeling guilty about not writing than actually writing. She started to help fellow procrastinators, and now the site is host to some wonderfully motivational tips for conquering your inner critic, handling vacation guilt, and what to do when your plot changes halfway through writing it. Read â€Å"An Open Letter to Lazy Writers† for a great kick in the rear. John Soares has been a freelance writer since 1994. He shares the wisdom of at least two decades of experience on his site, He regularly posts articles about productivity and finding motivation, as well as valuable tips on finding clients, a niche market, and other tips for content writing and freelancing. There are even a few tips for designing and maintaining your own website. is â€Å"where someday becomes write now.† Rochelle Melander, author, book coach, and teacher, regularly interviews successful writers and posts articles to help motivate and inspire aspiring authors. She offers writers really valuable tips on overcoming procrastination and how to write through doubt. She also has a series of interviews with other writers, entitled Writers@Work, as varied as Liam Callanan (The Cloud Atlas), and marketing expert Mike Farley. For Finding Your Tribe Writing is inherently a solitary act, but writing does not exist in a vacuum and writers need communities to grow in. That’s why writers in need of a community should visit sites like, which is a community of writers â€Å"helping each other write better.† They have writing challenges and have a group on Slack. The Writer’s Alley, made up of eleven writers who have made it their mission â€Å"to glorify God through [their] writing.† They’re a friendly, inspiring group of writers who post #TipfulTuesdays, helpful writing tips for beginners, and articles with topics ranging from how to overcome self-doubt as a writer to tips about choosing the headshot for your dust jacket. by Pat McNees, a writer and editor with decades of experience under her belt, is a wonderfully supportive community of writers and editors who talk about the A to Z’s of writing, editing, and publishing. You’ll receive straightforward, no-nonsense career advice (such as: â€Å"Q: Can I make a living as a writer? A: As a poet, generally, no). You get notes on etiquette in the publishing industry, plus thoughtful articles on ethics, style guides, rights and contracting, and all sorts of news and issues present in the publishing industry today. is â€Å"for female writers who give a damn.† Witty Title Here is a place for feminist writers and readers, and features essays on writing (â€Å"finding your why†), empowerment, and telling your story. It’s also a great resource for writing prompts, resources, and challenges. Check out #ResolveToWrite and Witty Title Here’s Writer Spotlight series for oodles of inspiration. is an excellent community for writers concerned with â€Å"mastering the art, craft, and business of writing.† Ali Luke defines the art of writing as â€Å"why we do what we do,† the craft as â€Å"the techniques of writing well,† and the business of writing as â€Å"non-writing stuff that supports your writing.† Join if you’re a freelancer looking to find time to write and master the ins and outs of promotion, getting clients, and ebook sales. For Publishing Your Book Jane Friedman of has been in publishing for over twenty years and counting. You’ve probably already heard of her: she co-founded The Hot Sheet, an essential publishing industry newsletter, wrote The Business of Being a Writer, and regularly posts infinitely useful resources and practical tips on becoming a published author, as well as tips on marketing, promotion, and craft. has helped authors reach their publishing goals since 1994. They offer advice to indie authors, as well as writers who want to break into the world of traditional publishing- advice like â€Å"How to Submit Short Stories and Poems to Literary Journals† and which writing groups to join. They also have tips on craft for writers who are just starting out.’s blog is chock-full of practical advice on how to get over writer’s block and crippling self-doubt, and it’s also an excellent place for industry advice. Anne and Ruth offer  advice on social media etiquette (see: â€Å"Want Reviews, Guest Posts, Spotlights, Interviews? Treat Bloggers With Respect!†) and how not to turn off your readers and the rest of the publishing world by attempting to copyright the word â€Å"cocky.† has a great variety of articles from the art and craft of writing to recommended reading. But the ladies of shine the brightest when they’re talking about the publishing industry- about how to get an agent, if you’re ready for one, and how to write a proposal to catch an editor or agent’s eye. Check out articles like â€Å"Use High Quality Proposal Ingredients† and â€Å"Rumors and How to Combat Them† for some excellent industry advice. Shayla Raquel is an expert editor, seasoned writer, and author-centric marketer. She started to help  new and established authors market themselves with great, practical tips on marketing from Wall Street Journal bestselling authors, email marketing tips and tricks, and even how to create the best author website for your brand. Joanna Penn, author, started to help authors write, publish, and market their books. She’s got a ton of good advice about self-publishing; how to market your book; and how to make a living from your writing. Joanna is a bestselling author who writes under the name J.F. Penn and an award-winning entrepreneur, podcaster, and YouTuber. by Robin Murphy (author, traveler, and speaker) helps indie authors keep up to date on social media trends and indie publishing news. Robin also posts writing prompts and thoughtful pieces on writing and publishing books. Check out articles like â€Å"Virtual Book/Blog Tours† and her author interviews (with, for example, authors like Jacquelyn Wiles) for an extra dash of motivation. For Making a Living Writers who want to learn how to create content that sells will benefit a lot from a visit to It’s one of the best sites for copywriters, freelancers, and marketing managers on the internet today. They have incredible advice on content marketing, email marketing, even client acquisition and honing your skills as a content writer. They’ve also made a number of really useful ebooks available on content writing and marketing, so go give them a visit.’s blog by Karen Marston (blogger, novelist, freelance copywriter) is all about the ins and outs of freelance copywriting. How do you get a client? How do you start writing for the Guardian? What copywriting don’ts should you avoid under any and all circumstances? Karen Marston posts about that and more in her delightful blog. Jeff Goins is all about destroying the myth of the starving artist. With his books The Art of Work and Real Artists Don’t Starve, and now with his blog on, Jeff Goins teaches you how to market your brand and your work, and how to let your craft or art work for you. He talks about personal branding, marketing and promotion, and most especially, why the myth of the starving artist has to die. is for the hungry freelance copywriter. Carol Tice, award-winning freelance writer, shares her secrets of how she went from content mills to author of several non-fiction books. She offers wonderfully practical advice on marketing, copywriting, and creating a brand that works for you. Check out her site for more information and a free report on what kind of freelance writer you are.’s blog is about writing for business and practical advice for writers who want to make a living by writing. It’s a wonderful resource for freelance writers in the middle of their career and for freelance writers who are just beginning to work up the courage to quit their day jobs and jump in.’s blog is illustrated with rage comics-ish illustrations by Ramiro Roman, which adds a dash of fun and irreverence to practical tips like â€Å"Six Tips to Keep You Productive When Working from Home.† For Writers of YA and Kids’ Books Tara Lazar is a children’s book author and a mother of two. She blogs at and talks about the art of writing the children’s book. She regularly publishes tips and tricks, like guides for writing fractured fairy tales and several interviews with artists and writers of picture books for children. Literary Rambles was founded by Casey McCormick and has been continued by MG and YA writer, Natalie Aguirre, for the last seven years. In Natalie's Agent Spotlight series, Literary Rambles interviews children's book agents so that readers can keep their finger on the pulse of children's book publishing. also features debut MG and YA authors who share their insights on the craft of writing and becoming published; recently Natalie interviewed up and coming MG author Cindy Baldwin (Where the Watermelons Grows is a site for kids’ writers and illustrators, and they’ve got a Facebook community as well. They feature publishing news; tips on craft, publishing, and marketing your picture book; and interviews with great authors and illustrators in the picture book business. Check out their recent author spotlight, an inspiring interview with author Saadia Faruqi. is Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s site about reading, writing, and illustrating children’s books. The site is whimsical and colorful, featuring relatable web comics for writers, helpful advice on publishing your own picture books, and reading recommendations galore. Debbie has a wonderful voice and illustrative style; you’re not going to want to miss out on posts like â€Å"SCBWI Success Story, Creative Process and Jen Betton's upcoming debut solo picture book, HEDGEHOG NEEDS A HUG (June 19, 2018)† and â€Å"Writers illustrators: Learning to handle rejection is an essential skill, before AND after publication.† For a Little Bit of Everything has a little bit of everything for writers at any point in their career. They have excellent advice on everything from getting published, to marketing, to freelancing, blogging, and craft, with topics ranging from establishing a writing routine to plot, pacing, dialogue tags, to finding time to write when you have kids. Another great all-around site, community, and blog for aspiring writers, intermediate writers, and even published authors is They’ve been around for more than 90 years; they literally â€Å"wrote the book† on writing. Check out their site for invaluable advice on craft and publishing, as well as writer’s resources (podcasts, networking events, publishing and marketing tools), and many more articles sorted by genre, writer goals, and writing levels. is the joint blog of top suspense writers and publishing professionals (Clare Langley-Hawthorne, Sue Coletta, Kathryn Lilly, PJ Parrish, John Gilstrap, Laura Benedict, Jordan Dane, Elaine Viets, Debbie Burke, Joe Hartlaub, Mark Alpert, and James Scott Bell). They take turns every day talking about everything to do with publishing, marketing, craft, and the art of writing. is â€Å"about the craft and business of fiction† delivers advanced craft tips from a stable of 50+ contributors (including industry pros and bestselling novelists), advice on perseverance, and industry news. Comments at WU are often as valuable as the posts themselves, driven by WU's diverse community. The site is run by co-founder and editorial director Therese Walsh, who is also a published novelist. is a treasure trove of great tips on honing your craft, mastering clarity, plotting, and even citing sources in your writing. The blog, run by editor, writer, and proofreader Idrees Patel, also features several guest authors with invaluable information on everything from freelancing to thesis writing and so much more. is a wonderful resource for indie and DIY authors. The site offers lots of practical advice for beginning authors looking to get into Amazon publishing, dealing with criticism, and tips on productivity. They also offer classes in freelance writing, fiction writing, and keep a list of competitions and opportunities for writers of any level. says â€Å"unmissable articles on writing† right on its tagline, and it doesn’t disappoint. From the importance of beta readers to vlogging to content marketing, book promotion, and tips on writing a killer book proposal, has everything for beginning writers to seasoned publishing industry professionals, indie authors, and authors looking to break into traditional publishing. has, well, daily writing tips. But they don’t have just daily writing tips, they have tips on business writing, grammar and punctuation, style, spelling, improving your vocabulary, and mistakes you can avoid in fiction, copywriting, and otherwise. They’ve also got a lot of writing challenges and quizzes to keep you entertained the whole day. by Angela Booth- copywriter, ghostwriter, author, marketer, and writing coach- is a compendium of all the knowledge Angela has collected over her decades in the publishing industry. She offers classes for writers and edifying articles like â€Å"Fiction: 3 Quick Tips to Write a Novel in a Month† and â€Å"Professional Writing: The Essential Process You Need For Success.† Check her site out for a well-balanced look at the art of writing and how you can make a real living out of your craft. is a great blog for any writer interested in setting up their own website/blog. WebSiteSetup has many guides on everything that goes around writer platforms. It also provides easy-to-follow guides dedicated to blogging and social media. If you're interested in starting a blog, check out "How to Start a Blog" guide, it shows everything a writer need to know in order to start blogging (in step-by-step fashion). If you simply follow the blogging tutorials on WebSiteSetup, you'll get your blog up and running in less than 30-minutes.    If you think your website should be added to this list, let us know by submitting your blog for review.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline Essay

Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline - Essay Example The period saw the emergence of women organizations as the major platforms for social and political reforms. The role played by middle-class women in the society changed as more women began to participate in philanthropic or charitable causes, formed clubs, and emphasized the need for social and political reforms, and got involved in the suffrage movement. The business operation of farmers was significantly boosted since they had the requisite equipment. Better infrastructure opened up the markets, and improved standards of living meant that they had a ready demand There was increased advocacy against child labour in American, which resulted in significant decrease in the number of children working in factories. Childhood on western farms changed significantly with the promotion of family interdependence. Children were encouraged on self-reliance, adaptability, and responsibility In the wake of competition from immigrant workers who were willing to work longer hours and for lower wages, workers formed labour unions. He major reasons for organized labour unions was to give the workers the powers over controlling the pace of production, gaining improved working conditions, and protecting job

Literary Response #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literary Response #7 - Essay Example Indeed, a general perusal of Wright’s work reveals his interest in political concerns, but the most underlining features of his writing are the social and human concerns he addresses with great clarity. Consider his seminal poem ‘A Blessing’. In this poem Wright describes his encounter with two horses, and describes the meeting like he might an interaction with another person whom he cares dearly. In ‘A Note Left in Jimmy Leonard’s Shack,’ Wright continues his characteristic use of clear dialogue and concerns with daily human existence. For instance, he writes, â€Å"He’s drunk or dying now, I don’t know which,/ Rolled in the roots and garbage like a fish,/ The poor old man† (Perkins). While lacking stylistic complexity, it’s clear that the most unifying traits of Wright’s work is this ability to explore meaningful human concerns with great ease and clarity. In considering the poems of Edward Arlington Robinson one is drawn to the stark contrast his writing holds from that of James Wright. E.A. Robinson’s work has is more classically ‘poetic’ in that it is much more stylized, with some poems containing rhyming schemes and even iambic pentameter. While throughout the entire canon of Robinson’s work one is capable of identifying a plethora of themes, perhaps because of his upbringing that included the death of a brother to overdose and his largely solitary life. Consider poems like ‘Luke Havergal’ wherein Robinson largely utilizes iambic pentameter to convey the dark tone with a speaker that returns from the grave to implore Havergal to visit the western wall and speak with a mysterious individual. Another poem ‘Richard Cory’ continues Robinson’s use of iambic pentameter and while it begins in describing an individual with his outwardly happy, it concludes with the fateful words, â€Å"And Richard

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tracing the Emergence of the Symphony from Sammartini and Stamitz Essay

Tracing the Emergence of the Symphony from Sammartini and Stamitz through the Works of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven - Essay Example A symphony is a method of music that scales large and in its performance at orchestra. Symphony is comparable to concept of the novel in literature. Symphony emerged from the baroque period as sinfonia. In the baroque period, sinfonia referred to brief instrumental pieces that preceded larger works. In certain contexts, it would achieve full identity as an independent piece. A prominent example concerns concert grosso. However, trio sonata, concerto and sinfonia were treated as synonyms. The Italian sinfonia had the structure of fast-slow-fast while the French overture had the structure of slow-fast-slow. These overtures entailed small orchestra, short duration and easy compositions. In the eighteenth century, symphony emerged as a form that entailed performance by several instruments and independent identity. This was dominant, especially, in Italy whereby there were artists such as Giovanni Sammartini. Other early composers of the same include artists such as Johann Stamitz and Bac h. Symphony grew in prominence since the baroque period initiated a revolution whereby the popularity of secular music surged beyond gospel music. The concept of the Orchestra, as a musical form, expanded to constitute an average of twenty players. The pieces involved use of different musical families such as woodwinds, keyboard instruments and strings. Orchestral performance became a public rather than the royalties’ affair. The second half of the eighteenth century had Joseph Haydn compose 104 symphonies. They entailed experiments with forms such as six pieces. Mozart had 41 symphonies. It is vital to note that he had his first composition at eight years of age. Haydn provided the transition from the pre-classical age into mature classic symphony. His first fourteen compositions had the elements of the pre-classical period. Mozart and Haydn achieved a significant celebration as the classical symphony’s composers (Wright 162). Haydn and Mozart initiated the definition of current symphony. In the age of reason, classical symphony possessed a balance, intricate design and distinct symmetry. Examples of the same include rondo, minuet, sonata form and trio (Wright 165). The structure of the same was typical of four movements. They occurred in the pattern of fast, slow, moderately fast, and quite fast. The performance did not require the role of a conductor. The choirmaster, who would be the first violinist, performed the role of guiding the performance. The performances of Haydn and Mozart were usually short pieces that would take an average of thirty minutes. Ludwig van Beethoven played an essential role of expanding the concept of symphony (Wright 209). This expansion occurred in terms of density of sound, tempo, rhythm and dynamics. In addition, he initiated the use of additional instruments such as the piccolo, trombone and the contrabassoon (Wright 210). Describe the individual musical styles of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Support your charac terizations with musical examples. It is essential to note that Haydn and Mozart belonged to a slightly earlier age of music growth. Beethoven later sprung as a fundamental artist of the eighteenth century. However, they all belong to the classical period of music growth. To begin with, the article explores the works of Joseph Haydn. Haydn, just as Mozart, sprung from the baroque age of music. He is part of the group that established a

Tourism, hospitality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tourism, hospitality - Essay Example Since social media seems to have a relation to the success of a travel business, this phenomenon has got much attention among businesses and researchers. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to review literate on the matter and determine the major points of research being conducted in relation to tourism and social media. In an attempt to establish current knowledge of the subject this work will summarize, interpret and critically evaluate the existing literature, as well as will try to identify the key issues related to social media and tourism. In order to fulfill all of the set goals it is important to determine the very reason of extensive interest of the tourism-related community in the subject. It can be assumed that social media has an influence on consumer behavior. This idea is supported by Williams (2002), who states that purchasing high risk items, such as tourism products, involves information research step of the buying process being more extensive than that for purchasing less expensive or important for people products. The first step of the decision-making process is motivation and recognition of a need. Then, as an individual has decided one wants to purchase a tourism-related product, he or she starts searching for information on the available options. At this point, as Blackwell et al (2006, p. 75) write, the consumer is influenced by â€Å"market dominated† and â€Å"non market-dominated† sources of information. These non market-dominated sources refer to the word-of-mouth publicity and social media. Furthrthermore, social media tools can even be called an advanced variant of traditional world-of-mouth publicity. So, today a consumer evaluates alternatives and makes a buying decision on the basis of more sources of information: from marketers, from the community (friends, colleagues, family) and from social media. At the same time, it should be remembered

Thursday, October 17, 2019

RELIGION AND THEOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

RELIGION AND THEOLOGY - Essay Example The motive is to prepare people to lead and make disciples of leadership. This paper will discuss the five essential activities that Michael describes in the book. This will also entail describing how these five essential activities are implemented relative to the questions asked. This will also entail description of the principles that a leader should live by in order to accomplish the mission. The paper will then outline the lessons learnt regarding the leadership for discipleship subject to the author of the paper. The author will also include the impact of these lessons in relation to the leadership practices. Michael (2010, 23) states that a good theory is what promotes and develops good ideas, which can be, later translated into excellent practices in leadership. In his encounter with the youths and missionaries, he developed the five essential activities that should be implemented in order to answer the five questions asked by the youths. In order to answer the questions asked , Michael developed five questions that would help bring into light the questions the rest asked. The first question was relating to the Christian education. The consideration put forth was answering what Christian education entailed. ... The fifth question revolved around people who were involved in the education process. The roles of these people and their background information were the key concern. Michael, within a period of a year, had formulated the essential activities that answered the five questions2. Interview Questions The first activity was meant to answer the question of Christian education. The essential activity was to define what discipleship comprised of in relation to the scriptures. The third activity involved preparing a plan to aid in the teaching and learning process. This answered the third question. The fourth activity involved establishing a condusive environment to streamline the education. This answered the question regarding the context or what was to be included. The fifth activity involved developing a heart to serve people. This answered the question regarding the people3. These activities were implemented in a number of ways. A plan was developed to ensure all the five activities were implemented. The plan was phrased to the young reformers. The group targeted was the youths who were in their final years in high school. This encompassed age between 20 and 30. The reason for choosing this group was due to the thought that they were least reached. The sermons were taken not to function on them, and attending services was not their common doctrine. The introduction of literature evangelism was a major capture of the age group4. The mission skeleton or guideline adopted by Michael was laying consideration on the assignment itself and vision on how it will be implemented. The goals and objectives and strategy for going about it were considered. These were the core values that were to be observed in the course of implementing the plan. The young

Causes and effects of Homeless Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Causes and effects of Homeless - Research Paper Example The author states that poverty plays the biggest role in rendering people homeless. This is because poverty and homelessness inextricably link. Agreeably, poor people face substantially hard times when paying for their house rent, food, education, child care, and health care among other things (Andersen & Taylor, 2010). Note that, one must make difficult choices especially when limited resources have to cover a number of these necessities. In most cases, according to experts, many people tend to opt for other things instead of housing since housing absorbs much of most individuals’ earnings (Levinson, 2004). A research carried out in 2007by the US Bureau of the Census 2007 found out that 12.5 percent (37.3 million) of the US population lived in poverty. The Bureau asserted that the 2007 findings were not statistically different from those of 2006 in any way (Ravenhill, 2008). Further studies on this subject indicated that increased erosion of employment opportunities for the l arger segment of the American workforce and the declined availability and value of public assistance are the two major contributing factors accounting to increased poverty. Advocates for homeless maintain that violence in homes is a factor contributing to homelessness, particularly in women with children. Facts about the homeless point out that almost half of all homeless youths and adult women with children experienced domestic violence prior to fleeing their homes (Andersen & Taylor, 2010). Nationally, studies reveal that most people who are now homeless could not withstand the kind of physical abuse they experienced in their homes and as such, they opted to run away or rather disappear from their previous settlement (Levy, 2010). Research findings from 2007 showed that of the more than 7,000 people counted during the One Night Count, over 1000 complained indicated that domestic violence is a significant element that contributed to their state of homelessness.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

RELIGION AND THEOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

RELIGION AND THEOLOGY - Essay Example The motive is to prepare people to lead and make disciples of leadership. This paper will discuss the five essential activities that Michael describes in the book. This will also entail describing how these five essential activities are implemented relative to the questions asked. This will also entail description of the principles that a leader should live by in order to accomplish the mission. The paper will then outline the lessons learnt regarding the leadership for discipleship subject to the author of the paper. The author will also include the impact of these lessons in relation to the leadership practices. Michael (2010, 23) states that a good theory is what promotes and develops good ideas, which can be, later translated into excellent practices in leadership. In his encounter with the youths and missionaries, he developed the five essential activities that should be implemented in order to answer the five questions asked by the youths. In order to answer the questions asked , Michael developed five questions that would help bring into light the questions the rest asked. The first question was relating to the Christian education. The consideration put forth was answering what Christian education entailed. ... The fifth question revolved around people who were involved in the education process. The roles of these people and their background information were the key concern. Michael, within a period of a year, had formulated the essential activities that answered the five questions2. Interview Questions The first activity was meant to answer the question of Christian education. The essential activity was to define what discipleship comprised of in relation to the scriptures. The third activity involved preparing a plan to aid in the teaching and learning process. This answered the third question. The fourth activity involved establishing a condusive environment to streamline the education. This answered the question regarding the context or what was to be included. The fifth activity involved developing a heart to serve people. This answered the question regarding the people3. These activities were implemented in a number of ways. A plan was developed to ensure all the five activities were implemented. The plan was phrased to the young reformers. The group targeted was the youths who were in their final years in high school. This encompassed age between 20 and 30. The reason for choosing this group was due to the thought that they were least reached. The sermons were taken not to function on them, and attending services was not their common doctrine. The introduction of literature evangelism was a major capture of the age group4. The mission skeleton or guideline adopted by Michael was laying consideration on the assignment itself and vision on how it will be implemented. The goals and objectives and strategy for going about it were considered. These were the core values that were to be observed in the course of implementing the plan. The young

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Permeation lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Permeation lab - Essay Example Our experiment dealt with taking PDMS devices and also focused on the study of how water with rhodium-B, ethanol with rhodium-B, isopropanol with rhodium-B (control experiment), and mineral oil with Sudan red react during permeation. However, we were only able to get results from two liquids, water and mineral oil. We observed mineral permeating more than water. We therefore concluded that the study of micro fluids can tell us a lot about making better gasoline, cleaning liquids and other everyday liquids by making sure that liquids whose permeation rates are low are used in such industries. For instance, the battery acid is unlikely to corrode your vehicle if the permeation rate of the liquid used is low and thus the liquid won’t leak from the battery. The materials used to complete this experiment are test tubes, aluminum foil,30G syringe, Tygon tubes, Deionized no cap water ,pipet, Rhodium-B, Mineral Oil, Sudan red Dye, Ruler no cap, PDMS, Curing no cap solution, Scalpel no cap, cover slides Empty 20G Syringe no cap, Ethanol no cap, Timer no cap and Plasma Tray no cap. The Devices no cap needed are Vortex Machine no cap , Vacuum filter no cap, Sonicator no cap, Vacuum no cap chamber, Camera no cap, Microscope no cap and air tank. In figure1 below showing the PDMS device connected with pipet from one side and empty 20G Syringe in another side Permeation is necessary in the context of understanding the flow characteristics of fluids at the microchannel level, since it has been observed that a steady converging flow tends to attain a terminal equilibrium (also called steady-state value) of the permeation constant. Thus, the study of permeation characteristics has been acknowledged as a powerful way to quantify chemical interactions at the center of the channel, where the reaction of the fluid stream would take place. Three test tubes were collected and labeled sample 1, 2

Monday, October 14, 2019

Systems installation and configuration Essay Example for Free

Systems installation and configuration Essay You can is the up and down arrow keys to move up and down the drop-down menu. To select and option, highlight the item on the drop-down menu and press Enter. An ellipse after a menu item signifies additional options; if you select that option, a dialog box will appear. Toolbars The standard Toolbar The Formatting Toolbar Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Toolbars are generally located just below the Menu bar. Before proceeding with the lesson, make sure the Toolbars we will use -standard and Formatting- are available. Follow these steps 1. Point to View on the Menu bar 2. Click the left mouse button 3. Press the down arrow and key until Toolbars is highlighted 4. Press Enter 5. Standard and Formatting should have a checkmark next to them 6. If both standard and formatting, have a checkmark next to them, press Esc three times to close the menu. 7. If one or both do not have a checkmark, highlight customize 8. Press Enter 9. Point to the box next to the unchecked word and click the left mouse button. A checkmark should appear. Note: you turn the checkmark on and off by clicking the left mouse button. 10. Point to close and click the left mouse button to close the dialog The Ruler The ruler is generally found below the main toolbars. The ruler is used to change the format of your document quickly. To display the ruler: 1. Point to View on the Menu bar. 2. Click your left mouse button. 3. The option Ruler should have a checkmark next to it. If it has a checkmark next to it, press Esc twice to close the menu. If it does not have a checkmark next to it, continue to the next step. 4. Press the down arrow key until Ruler is highlighted 5. Press the Enter key. The ruler should display below the toolbars. Creating a Template . BIOS Keeping your PC, secure Setting a password on your BIOS is an excellent way to make your computer more secure. A password in Windows only restricts access to Windows and can be bypassed with a little knowledge; a BIOS password protects the computer from the moment it is switched on. There are two kinds of password that you can set in the BIOS. The first and most important password gives permission to change options in the BIOS itself and is commonly called a Setup password. This is particularly useful if you have stopped the computer from booting from CDs or floppy disks and do not want anybody to change this. This would be protecting my user from unauthorized usages. The other password should be typed in as soon as the computer is switched on, even before the option to enter the BIOS appears a User password. This is the first line of defence you can add to your computer and is very effective. A word of warning about getting too overconfident about these passwords, however. It is possible to reset the BIOS if you can access the inside of the computer and it does not stop someone from removing the hard disk to read on another system. If the files on your computer are secret, consider buying a case that can be locked to stop people from changing these options. Get your boots in order A very useful setting the BIOS allows you to change is how your computer boots. When it first starts, the BIOS looks for a disk containing an operating system to boot from. Usually, this is the hard disk but there may be times when you want to boot from a floppy disk or a CD-Rom. Which drives are checked and in what order is determined by the Boot Order in the BIOS. Changing the Boot Order can make your computer more secure as it gives you more control over how it starts. Even if Windows is password-protected, it is possible for someone to start the computer with a floppy disk or a CD. Alternatively, if you want to stop someone messing around with your computer, you can do so by restricting how the computer starts and make your computer look on your hard drive for an operating system first. Enter your BIOS in the usual way and enter the Advanced BIOS Features screen. You will either see a list of the devices the BIOS checks, or an option to change the boot order. To make our computer more secure we are going to change the first boot device to HDD-0, which is short for Hard Disk Drive 0, or the first hard disk, in other words. Move down to First Boot Device and press Enter to see a list of devices the computer can boot from, Move down to HDD-0 and press Enter again. Changing the boot order for troubleshooting is effectively the reverse of this process. You can load many very good troubleshooting tools from CD or floppy disk. If there are problems with the hard drive, you may need to make the computer look elsewhere first. This might be necessary if Windows has a fault that stops it from loading properly or if you want to boot from the Windows CD-Rom in order to reinstall it. Return to the Advanced BIOS Features screen and change the First Boot Device to the media that you want to boot from. Unlike many other manufacturers that stick to BIOS, MSI often prefers BIOS from AMI. Well, there is nothing wrong as the new AMIBIOS versions, unlike the previous ones, offer a wide range of Setup settings and often show better performance than the BIOS versions from Award. And now lets dwell upon the Setup settings. Memory timings located on the separate page of the BIOS Setup come first. You can see that all the key timings in MSI KT4 Ultra can be modified. Besides CAS Latency, you can change Trp, Tras and Trcd settings as well as DRAM Command Rate, Memory Interleaving and DRAM Burst Length. All the parameters can vary in usual ranges, while CAS Latency can even be set to 1. 5, although we couldnt power up MSI KT4 Ultra with such a CAS value in our test lab. As for hardware monitoring, MSI KT4 Ultra keeps track of system and CPU temperatures, rotation speeds of two fans, processor core voltage and six other voltage values. Of course, MSI KT4 Ultra has something to offer over clocking fans. These tools are listed in a separate BIOS page called Frequency/Voltage Control, and deserve a closer look. Here is a list of options an over clocker receives from MSI KT4 Ultra main board: Â  Bus frequency adjustment. You can set any frequency from 100MHz to 280MHz. Well, the top FSB frequency is just an attraction. The maximum working FSB rate you can set on MSI Ultra KT4 is 233MHz. If you choose a frequency above this value, the bus will actually work at half the desired rate. CPU multiplier adjustment. The range is from 6x to 15x. Â  Manual adjustment of the CPU core voltage. The values available are Auto, 1. 625, 1. 650, 1. 675, 1. 700, 1. 725 and 1. 750V. Therefore, the options here are rather scarce (the regular core voltage is usually 1. 65V). Â  DDR DIMM slots voltage adjustment. The values available are Auto, 2. 6, 2. 7 and 2. 8V. It is also possible to set Termination Voltage (Auto, 1. 27 and 1. 29V). Therefore, MSI KT4 Ultra has every right to boast cool means of memory voltage adjustment. Â  AGP voltage can be set to Auto, 1. 6, 1. 7 and 1. 8V. This would be important for my user because it would let he/she know what facts and settings the BIOS have to offer. After checking all the options in practice, we can state that the entire range of FSB frequencies up to 233MHz is working, that is, the mainboard is stable at any FSB frequency up to 233MHz. Overclockers should really enjoy it and continue the AMDs initiative about raising the FSB frequency of their Athlon XP above 166MHz. But at 166MHz FSB, the memory in MSI KT4 Ultra can be clocked only synchronously due to the restrictions in the VIA KT400 chipset. Moreover, the minimum divisor of the PCI bus thats activated at the FSB rate over 166MHz is 1:5. So, when overclocking the FSB above 166MHz, the system may lose some of its stability because of certain problems with the memory or expansion cards. There is one more unpleasant peculiarity I noticed when overclocking the CPU in MSI KT4 Ultra. This mainboard turned to have no means to reset CPU parameters in case of over-overclocking. So, when the mainboard doesnt start up after a change in BIOS Setup settings, the only way to reanimate the system is to use the Clear CMOS jumper. Practical Components and fittings of a PC Motherboard This is the main circuit board of the computer. The motherboard contains connectors for attaching additional boards. The motherboard contains the CPU, BIOS, memory, mass storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion slots, and all the controllers required to control standard peripheral devices such as the monitor, screen, and disk drive. A motherboard. Fitting the motherboard The case has a slide-out tray, which provides a very elegant way to install the motherboard and all of its components. Cheaper cases will have a mounting case plate fixed permanently to the case. If I had that type of case, I would first lay the case on its side. Next, I screw in the spacer mounts for fixing the motherboard as seen in the photo above. There are usually more holes drilled in the mounting plate than you actually need. There are standard locations for these holes on the mounting plate, which correspond to the holes on the motherboard. How many of these are actually used depends on the board manufacturer. Fitting the Hard disk Photo of a Typical Hard disk The hard drive is secured with four screws, usually the coarse thread type, and the end of the drive with the connectors must point towards the inside of the case. There are usually a couple rows of holes in the cage, make sure the holes you pick let the screws clear the opening at the front of the case when you put the cage back in. Normally, the second set from the cage bottom is used The Ribbon Cable Always install the ribbon cables before replacing the drive cage in the case. As the cage is being installed back in the case, you can see that the ribbon cable is already connected to the floppy drive and has been fed through the opening prior to sliding the cage in. Note also the position of the screws securing the floppy drive to the cage, all the way forward in the slots, which is the norm. The hard drive is mounted in the second set of holes from the cage bottom. Do not forget to reinstall the screws back in the cage, even though it snaps into place. The CD drive has already been installed in the top bay of our mini-tower, though you can wait until after you restore the plastic faceplate to the case, particularly if you are not sure which set of screw holes will align the drive flush with the cover. The ribbon cable has been installed on to the motherboard; with the red key wire in the ribbon towards pin one on the connector.